
The Knife Richard Selzer Summary

Decent Essays

In his essay “The Knife”, Richard Selzer uses his experiences as a surgeon and describes the process of a surgery. Throughout the essay, Selzer repeats the ideas of power and delicacy. Selzer constructs his essay by showing the power and delicacy surgeons have. Firstly, Selzer uses religious imagery and metaphors to show the power that surgeons hold. In the beginning of his essay he describes the knife as a powerful tool and that “[his] hand is its vehicle” (1). Selzer uses the metaphor to show he is aware that he controls the knife and guides it. Even though he is in awe with the abilities of the knife, he feels uncomfortable using it. Later in the essay, he describes the profession of being a surgeon as having “priestliness” (5). The quality of being priestly gives the role a sense of responsibility and close to godlike. He supports the godlike feel to the profession further with the allusion to the “Ark” (5). At the end of the essay, Selzer uses the metaphor “you are a …show more content…

In the beginning of the essay, he uses a simile and compares holding the knife to holding the “bow of a cello” (1). Cutting open the skin is a form of art to him that must be done with care. It is not supposed to be gruesome or sickening. Later in the essay, Selzer chooses to describe the knife movements using the word “stroke” (2) instead of words like slice or cut, which do not have a gentle connotation. The word ‘stroke’ also gives a sense of precision and attention to the knife cuts in an artistic manner. Towards the end of the essay, Selzer uses a simile to compare the surgeon to a poet such that the “scars [they] have made… are like verses” (5). Just like poets put lots of effort into their verses, surgeons put lots of effort into a surgery. The effort goes into the careful handling of the patient, the precise cuts, and clean finish. All in all, Selzer uses art imagery to show that surgery is a delicate

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