
The Lamb Tone

Decent Essays

In poems “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” William Blake uses contrasting tones to show the reader the truth that life comes with both darkness as well as purity allowed by God. In the poem, “The Tyger" Blake uses a dark tone showing the readers life’s, “deadly terrors” (Blake 16). Through out the poem the words used have a very dark tone such as, “burning”(1) a word that readers will associate with fire a very destructive force that causes a sort of darkness for everyone involved. No person with a home that has burned down is in a happy mood because they are going through a dark time in their lives. The destruction associated with fire creates this very dark tone that Blake uses. The phrases, “In what distant deeps or skies/ Burnt the fire in thine …show more content…

Throughout the poem, words like burning, distant, dread, fearful, deadly, terrors, and tears are used to create a dark tone. Some words and phrases help show the reader the darkness that comes in life. However, in his other poem, “The Lamb” the author uses words such as delight, softest, bright, tender, and rejoice to create a innocent tone. “Gave thee clothing of delight/ Softest clothing wooly and bright” (5-6). In using delight and bright the author creates a light tone, and in talking about a sheep, “wooly and bright” the reader gets the impression of a pure, white sheep. White sheep are a symbol of purity; the tone of these words then become pure. This tone gives the reader an idea of the purity and happier side of life conflicting with the dark tones of Blake’s other piece. By having these tones conflict, Blake is showing the readers that life can be pure at times and dark at other times. In the last half of the lamb, the poem gives God the credit for making lamb the readers know to be pure. This tells the reader that Gods allows all things good or pure in life because he made this “Little Lamb God bless thee”

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