
Leadership Self-Assessment: The Authentic Leadership Theory

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Leadership Self-Assessment The two theories that I chose to do my self-assessment by are the authentic leadership theory and the servant leadership theory. The authentic leadership theory was chosen due to my desire to stay true to who I am and what I stand for. However, the servant leadership theory was chosen because of my desire to meet the needs of others while doing what I can to help others succeed as well as meet their set goals. Being a servant while being authentic are the traits I want in my style of leadership and are assessed throughout this paper along with my strengths and weaknesses in the area of leadership.
Primary Concepts Authentic leadership is a real and genuine leadership. (Yoder-Wise, 2015, p. 195) According to the Journal of Nursing Management, (2015) an authentic leader gathers others viewpoints, as well as opinions, before making decisions that are important while having a balanced process. (Regan, Laschinger, & Wong, 2015)(p. 2) In the Volume 18 of that same journal Wong, Laschinger, and Cummings (2010) described authentic leadership as a leadership that built trust making the work environment healthier, retained staff, as well as promoted patient safety and satisfaction. (p. 890) Servant leadership is one that puts others first. (Yoder-Wise, 2015, p. 225) Servant leadership is described as putting the desires to serve others before personal gain. (Reed, 2015, p. 73)
Discussion of Results
The self-assessment questionnaire found in the Leadership

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