
The Limitations Of Civil Liberty And Civil Rights

Decent Essays

Civil liberties can be defined as the protection from our own government actions. While civil rights can be defined to make sure all the liberties are fair and equal for all. For example a few civil liberties include freedom of speech, right to vote and the right to privacy right to bear arms. The Amendments then make sure that all those liberties are fair for all by adding clauses. An example is that the 1st Amendment has a clause of freedom of speech but then a clause was added to protect freedom of the press. Freedom of speech is a liberty but the freedom of the press is a civil right because it includes the press to be treated fairly. Right to Bear Arms The right to bear arms is a civil liberty because as Weeks notes that the 2nd Amendment states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (Weeks). That one sentence can and has been taken many different ways and can mean different things but it is clear that the Founding Fathers did realize that there could be a time where the government could take over the country if the people did not have means to protect themselves. And that is exactly what civil liberty is meant to do, protect the people from the government. I take it also as the government was not set up and realized it’s limitations that it could not protect all American citizens all the time so it gave the people the right to be able to defend themselves. Heller vs District of Columbia The Supreme Court held a 5-4 decision that the Second Amendment protects citizen’s right to obtain, carry and own a firearm without it being in use for militia purposes or other lawful reasons, like for self-defense. Before the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Second Amendment to stand for letting citizens carry firearms to protect themselves the District of Columbia put in a handgun ban said that rifles and shotguns should be unloaded and disassembled or kept under a trigger lock at all times. Heller vs District of Columbia is an important case because without having a weapon in firing order then the arms can only protect a person as much as a paperweight. The District of Columbia had put a ban on

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