
The Main Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures Within Own Uk Home Nation for Safeguarding Children and Young People.

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The main current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation for safeguarding children and young people. Before a member of staff can start employment with the company there are processes they must go through. A successful application form is followed by a through interview. During the interview an application for a criminal records bureau (crb) check is made once it has been deemed that the applicant has completed the criteria for employment the crb application is sent off. Once the check is returned the successful applicant may start work. This is called a safer recruitment process. Once the new worker has started working in its new role they will receive support from senior and management staff and …show more content…

The procedure should also help keep staff safe and to practice in a safe manner. One of the key ways staff can protect themselves is to conduct regular risk assessments and to record and record and record.

The worker must follow the protocol for my setting: 1. Discuss with the Registered Manager or other senior staff immediately and if possible inform the responsible social worker. 2. The Registered Manager will ensure that the young person or people concerned are safe and not in immediate danger. 3. The Registered Manager should then discuss this situation with the Operations Director and they will inform the Local Authority Designated Officer (L.A.D.O) and agree whether or not the formal Child Protection procedures should be invoked and if so agree an investigation strategy. At this stage decisions will be taken regarding the involvement of the Police and the suspension of staff or individual named. 4. Record at all time all contacts and decisions and reasons for the decisions made.

What can I do if a child starts to tell?
1. listen
2. listen
3. listen

You must not;
• show disbelief, shock or horror;
• give an interpretation of what is being said to you;
• give or suggest information that the child has not offered;
• agree to keep a secret;
• make promises that suggest that you can stop the abuse;
• investigate any allegation or ask probing questions;
• do not assume something the young

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