
The Major Developments of Early Human and Social Evolution

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Describe the major developments of early human and social evolution. Throughout, discuss tool manufacturing, language development, agriculture, social behavior, and population growth. The first tools developed during the Paleolithic Era were made from chipped stones, wood and bone, and "nets from plant fibers and animal sinew" (Holt, Rinehart, & Wilson, n.d.: 2). The Neolithic Era brought forth greater specialization. People began to make chisels, drills, and saws to address specific needs and also polished stones to create sharper and more defined points (Holt, Rinehart, & Wilson, n.d.: 2). Language scholars trace the development of the first forms of systematized language to this era: "The crucial evolutionary development that led to the burst in creativity in the Neolithic was the emergence of human language as a method for integrating across cognitive modules" (MacWhinney 2005: 383). During this era, the use of stones began to have a utilitarian purpose in a manner that showed more sophisticated thinking. The most significant development during the Neolithic Era was the development of agriculture. This occurred approximately 10,000 years ago in human history. Humans began to domesticate animals and engage in selective breeding. With the end of the Ice Age, new plants became available and were cultivated to provide a more stable food source than hunting and gathering. Humans began to domesticate plants as well. "People had long observed wild plants as they gathered

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