
The Management Of Feeling : Hochschild 's Discussion Of Feelings

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3.4 Management of Feeling
Hochschild’s discussion of feelings allows us to understand how our feeling provides us with the bearings and guidance we need to reach a sense of both subjectivity and objectivity. The next question is: what do we do with this knowledge? According to Hochschild, we need to manage our feeling, either by surface or deep acting, in order to manage our display of feeling in the world. Hochschild (2003, p. 35) is convinced that all of us do a certain amount of acting, that self is performed. In understanding how surface and deep acting is accomplished, and in explaining its connection to emotion, Hochschild used the work of Stanislavski (1965), who is known as the father of ‘method acting’.
Before we discuss Hochschild’s surface and deep acting, let us review one of the classic sociological accounts of the presentation of self, for the theatrical model of social roles has a long heritage that Hochschild is drawing on. Particularly influential is Erving Goffman’s 1959 work, Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. By ‘presentation of self’, Goffman (1959, pp. 9-18) means the performance that people put on, for the benefit of both other people and themselves. This performance is based on how the individuals want to be perceived by others and themselves; guided by motives, it is an attempt to control the responses from others that reflect on the self. Such performances can be classified into two situations (Goffman, 1959, pp. 28-29). In the first

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