
The Meaning Of Life

Decent Essays

The central motivation in life is the pursuit of meaning or seeking meaning to one’s life. The meaning of life pertains to the significant of living and existence. The meaning of life as perceived by us is derived from philosophical and religious contemplation including scientific enquiries. So many people believed that in order to give meaning to life, it requires a pilgrimage to a desolate part of the world or being of service but the truth is that we can give meaning to our life through our own power to define what is important to us. Harold S. Kushner said “you don’t become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something.” You already have the power to create meaning and purpose in your life. For instance, a person sweeping the floors can define their life as being meaningful if the money they earn provides adequate food and shelter for their family. Whatever you do does not create meaning, it is the meaning that you assigned to what you do that is important. The meaning you hold towards something is represented from a deeper place within you. That is to say that the act or thing does not in itself define you. Pursuing meaning, however, makes you feel good about yourself, because you are pursuing something bigger than yourself, something that makes you create value. When you understand how you contribute value, you will attach meaning to even the smallest thing you do. The most motivating choices are ones that align with your “why” and

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