
The Means Of A Hero In Gilgamesh : A Hero

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The so called hero is the one that accepts the limits of what it means to be a human,while giving courage and helping others around him or her yet the one who is the “hero” in this story does the contrary.As he refuse to confront the limits of what it means to be a human.As well as he shows how selfish he is since he cares only about what helps him and not what helps his Village to be in a better state of matter.According to facts of being a hero he is definitely not one at all. That person that is described above is the famous Gilgamesh.In Gilgamesh: A Verse Narrative,translated by Herbert Mason,Gilgamesh goes on a quest to find eternal life in the end he learns that the quest itself is futile,as revealed by the ironic tone and the three main symbols in the story which are, his dream of him failing,the sacred stones which are supposed to lead him to his goal, and the serpent that takes away his dream.Through the early stages of his journey Gilgamesh has this rare dream which happens to cross his mindset and changes his whole state of mind and with that his journey changes too.This odd scene occurs in Gilgamesh’s village which is called Uruk.The main characters present are of course him himself and ninsun.As presented with the following evidence: “As if a sign from heaven Had been sent which is too heavy But which you will try to lift And drive away, and fail, But I have never failed before he interrupted her…”(19).The evidence provided earlier elaborates on how Gilgamesh

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