
The Media's Influence on Adolescent Women

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Every day adolescent women are being influenced and affected by the media. The media includes anything from magazines, television shows, billboards, radio advertisements, commercials, newspapers and more. Through the media, women are being exposed to all forms of advertisements, including images that display misleading figures of women. These advertisements do not feature women with large hips, wide shoulders, lengthy arms or fuller figures. Instead, the women found on the front pages of magazines and advertisements are usually cookie-cutter cropped and photo shopped models with thigh gaps, perfect curves, high cheek bones and all the features of a deceivingly perfect looking woman. The media neglects to show the average woman, who comes …show more content…

This study also found that 3 out of 100 females are bulimic and 1 out of 100 females is anorexic. Another study on the negative effects of body dissatisfaction was completed in 2013 by Quick and Bryd-Bredbenner, which involved College students in the United States of America. They found that 25% of women engaged in dietary limitations, 1 out of 7 regularly engage in bing eating and one third use certain behaviors, such as intentional vomiting, over exercising or mistreatment of medicine, to offset the effects of eating and to control weight. This verifies that the media is influencing a large number of women negatively, resulting in harmful actions both mentally and physically. These behaviors commonly emerge when young women are transitioning between different phases in life. Other health risks include eating practices such as restraint, emotional eating, night eating, extreme dieting and more. When women partake in these practices, they often do not reach the recommended daily intake of certain nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, potassium, fiber and iron (Quick & Bryd-Bredbenner, 2013). Failing to meet the daily-recommended dosage of these nutrients can cause more serious illness and long-term health problems for these young women. In general, women commonly overestimate the size of their bodies (Birttchnell, Dolan, & Lacy, 1987), however women affected by anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa overestimate their body weight to excessive degree. This can cause an

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