
The Medical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana

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As of April 2017, 29 states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana. That now makes 58% of the 50 states that have recognized the medical benefits that marijuana can provide. Marijuana should be legalized in all states for health purposes because it can reduce seizure activity for those with epilepsy, provide better long term relief to people that have chronic pain (stemming from a variety of health issues) versus the use of opioids, and has been effective in not only treating the symptoms and side effects of cancer, but in killing cancer cells in preclinical trials as well.
Marijuana, in a medical form, can reduce seizure activity in people with epilepsy, especially when all other forms of treatment have been exhausted. One such case was with a girl by the name of Charlotte Figi, who first started having seizures at 3 months old, and by the time she was 5 was having 300 seizures each week. When the hospital told the parents there was nothing more they could do for Charlotte, they turned to medical marijuana. After working with doctors to find the correct dosage of cannabis oil that was needed, Charlotte, at the age of 6, was only having two to three seizures per month (Young, Marijuana Stops Child’s Seizures, Additionally, while the personal stories of those who have seen a reduction in the number of seizures that occur from the use of medical marijuana are more prevalent than that of published studies by doctors, these studies do exist and show

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