
The Meeting Of The Estates

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It was the actions of the Paris Parlement that forced Louis XVI to agree to call a meeting of the Estates-General. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. The meeting of the Estates-General was called by Louis in 1789. It marks the start of change and Revolution in France, and many factors affect the calling of this meeting. Arguably, it was the actions of the Paris Parlement that caused the meeting to be called; as they began to turn on the third estate and become the enemy. However, other factors did affect the calling of the Estates-General, such as the financial crisis in France- they were bankrupt and locked up in the old ancien regime system. I will also be looking at how the revolt of the nobles and the weakness of Louis XVI caused the calling of the meeting. There are many other factors than just the Paris Parlement’s actions, and ultimately I would argue that we cannot say this is the only reason or the most predominant reason for the calling of the Estates-General. The Paris Parlement was banished to Troyes in August 1787 in order to get it away from the Enlightenment in Paris which Brienne and Louis believed may be affecting their deliberations and decisions, especially about Brienne’s land tax reform, which possibly could have stopped bankruptcy. This links to the financial crisis occurring at the same time, which is obviously influencing the Paris Parlement, therefore how can we argue it is the actions of the Paris Parlement when that is being

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