
The Misfit

Decent Essays

In the last scene of “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” the grandmother is pleading for her life with the Misfit using two different ways, religion and love. Reading through this part many times I picked up on the fact that the Misfit may not just be a misunderstood soul who was not nurtured in the right way but may also have some mental illness. I think this because he has a memory shift he had of not remembering what he did and also the change in character we see. I feel that the Misfit does not show remorse for his actions, saying “Nobody had nothing I wanted. (O’Connor, 9) He only has remorse for how he turned out saying, “I found out the crime don't matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man or take a tire off his car, because …show more content…

There are two deeper meanings hidden in this text though that even good can have some bad in it and what the Misfit and Grandmother represent (in a larger view point). The Grandmother appears to be trying to be a good Christen women by trying to turn the child around to remember god, the deeper meaning to this is that she is scared of dying and will try anything to live another day even trying to accept the child as her own, which leads her to her own demise. This shows that while there may appear to be good in everyone there is also bad. The Grandmother is a great example of this because she tries to appear like a good Christen women by helping the child to find god by asking him to pray when her actual motive was to get him to let her live. The quote, “"She would of been a good woman," The Misfit said, "if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life." (O’Connor, 9) shows that while he saw the good in the old women he also saw the bad. The Grandmother with how religious and righteous she seems to appear could also be symbol for God while the Misfit could be seen as the Devil. This could be seen as the classic fight of good and evil with evil

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