
The Misfit and the Grandmother in Flannery O’ Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Decent Essays

“A Good Man is hard to find,” a short story written by Flannery O’ Connor, is one of the most interesting stories I’ve ever come across to in my life. Born as an only child into a Catholic family, O’ Conner is one of the most “greatest fiction writers and one of the strongest apologists for Roman Catholicism in the twentieth century (New Georgia Encyclopedia).” She was a very strong believer in her faith and she used her stories as a tool to send the reader a message that were most likely ignored and almost never uttered out loud. The story revolves around a grandmother who believes to be high and mighty around others. This results in her downfall later on. “A Good man is hard to find,” is about a family who decide to go on a trip to …show more content…

Blinded by her actions with her beliefs, she forgets the fact that faith without actions is dead. It is by this relentless character that causes her whole family to be murdered in the end. The way the grandmother sneaks the cat into the car and lies about the secret panel brings irony to her beliefs of what it is to be a lady. Her views on the “old south” is established when she calls an African American boy a “cute little pickaninny.” June Star’s remark upon the boy not having britches on leads on to the grandmother’s remark on how he might not be able to afford shows her lack of sympathy towards the less fortunate. This also makes the reader wonder why she even says such a thing in the first place. Instead of reaching out to lend a hand the grandmother ends her statement by simply saying that she would like to “paint a picture” of the scene. The Misfit on the other hand, acknowledges that he is not a good man but he “ain’t the worst in the world neither (364).” He accepts his misdeeds but he does not believe that the punishment he receives fit with the wrong he has done. He goes by the name ‘The misfit,’ because of how he really feels like. It is apparent that he is from a good family background from the way he describes his parents. “God never made a finer woman than my mother and my daddy’s heart was pure gold (363).” He does not deny the existence of a supreme God, and he does

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