
The Movie ' Crash ' Essay

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The movie “Crash” illustrates the reality of the society in which we live. Race, stereotypes, oppression, and marginalization played a major part in the reaction of the individuals in the movie, as it still exists today. Many will say that times have changed and things have become better since the days of slavery, but I cannot agree that this statement is true. This learner was yet young during this era; however, my ancestors endured much agony and pain for no particular reason. Today, minorities continue to deal with misinterpretation of the character without the opportunity to prove who they are individually; regardless, this reader can identify with some of the stereotypes that minorities have been subjected to over the years. For example, Mrs. Cabot, the district attorney’s wife didn’t trust the Mexican locksmith because of his appearance. Mrs. Cabot assumed that Daniel, the locksmith was a thug since his head was shaved, tattoos, and pants sagging, referring to him as Amigo. Because of her cultural stereotype she asked her husband to have the door locks changed because she felt he would give the keys to guys on the street to come back and rob them. Mrs. Cabot used Daniel as her scapegoat for her anger towards Anthony and Peter, who robbed her earlier that night. Earlier in the movie, Mrs. Cabot exemplified fear and stereotype of the men when she initially recognized them walking down the street. Anthony and Peter were appropriately dressed as college

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