
The Myers Brigg Personality Assessment Essay

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As human beings, we different from one another. We are created with a lot of character traits. We all can gain knowledge about our own personalities, we develop our perceptive about strengths and weaknesses, and clarify what we truly value as individuals. The Myers Brigg personality assessment classified me as an Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ISFP) personality type. Results showed slightly Introvert 16 %, sensing 12%, feeling 19%, and perceiving 3%. Throughout this paper I will analyze the diverse parts of my own personality traits and how those traits have effected both my personal and my working environment. Key Word: Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving (ISFP) Step 1: Introvert The first letter of my four-letter personality type is “I”, suggesting that I am an externally driven person. There are two different worlds that we live in. An introvert lives inside of their thoughts. I prefer to live outside of myself. I enjoy talking to other people. I am quite social and enjoy throwing parties and organizing social events like cook outs. I listen to what others are saying. I prefer to cook my own food. I also enjoy working on my car, home improvement, and Do It Yourself (DIY) projects. Proverbs 13:4 tells us," A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2001) While I do enjoy being by myself occasionally I prefer to be around others. When I start a task I prefer to

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