
The Myth of the Latin Woman Essay

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Identity is a group of characteristics, data or information that belongs exactly to one person or a group of people and that make it possible to establish differences between them. The consciousness that people have about themselves is part of their identity as well as what makes them unique. According to psychologists, identity is a consistent definition of one’s self as a unique individual, in terms of role, attitudes, beliefs and aspirations. Identity tries to define who people are, what they are, where they go or what they want to be or to do. Identity could depend on self-knowledge, self-esteem, or the ability of individuals to achieve their goals. Through self-analysis people can define who they are and who the people around them …show more content…

On the other hand, personal experiences of a Puerto Rican woman are shown and she explains how people around her judge her behavior, her actions, and even the way she dresses. When viewers watch the show in a treatment session, the first character that comes to their minds is Dr Paul Weston and everything he does in order to help his patients. Even though he is not one of the characters in this study, he plays an important role in his patient’s decisions. One of Dr Paul’s most important phrases is: “In my profession the customer is always wrong”(Alex). He says this phrase in a funny and trivial way as soon as his patient Alex started showing his perfectionism. Therefore, the different ways he plays and interacts with his patients are factors that help viewers to better understand the patients’ identities. In this series, Dr Paul analyzes two different patients. First seen is an adult man who has been affected by the war in Iraq and a young girl, probably between fifteen and sixteen years old, who is searching for some counseling. Alex is a pilot in the Navy that is very proud of his military discipline and high standards. He came to see Dr Paul after he bombarded a school in Baghdad thinking that it was an insurgent safe house. As soon as Alex gets in the doctor’s office, he adopts an arrogant position and almost does not let Dr Paul talk. Alex tests Paul all the time, trying to control the topic of the

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