
The National Collegiate Athletic Association

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College sports have been growing in popularity over the last few decades. Every year, schools receive millions of dollars through intercollegiate athletics. The NCAA athletes provide entertainment not only to the schools that they attend, but also to millions of spectators around the world. The athletes are the ones who have worked so hard to acquire the revenue that colleges receive. Without them, none of this money would exist, so why shouldn’t they be paid? With so much money coming in, the athletes should be given a portion of the profit as a reward for how much time and energy they have put into their teams.
Before I get into my argument, let me first explain to you what the NCAA is. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) was founded by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 as a non-profit organization to oversee the athletics and education for more than 450,000 student athletes. The NCAA governs 23 different sports including football, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, cross-country, volleyball, and many more. The NCAA is dedicated to helping student-athletes succeed on the field, in their academics, and throughout the rest of their life. Now that you know a little bit about what the NCAA is, let’s get into the controversy surrounding paying college athletes.
The rules that the NCAA put in place prevents any sort of direct payment to the athletes who are under their authority. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) explains this in the following:

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