
The Natural Human Learning Process

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Have you ever wondered how the brain develops while we learn? Dr. Rita Smilkstein’s research on The Natural Human Learning Process was interesting. I now know the parts of the brain and how they work. I know now how we learn and how emotions have an impact on how we learn. As college students, we need to understand how our brains work and how emotions can help us learn successfully, since all college students should want to become successful people in their lives during college and throughout their lives. According to Dr. Rita Smilkstein’s research into learning, the Natural Human Learning Process explains how the brain develops when someone learns. The first step is motivation to learn a new skill. People get motivated when something becomes a necessity or seems fun to them. Then the second step is the beginning practice. The beginning practice is when someone uses hands on experience and uses trial and error with the skill they are motivated to learn. The third step, she calls the advanced practice stage. In this stage the learner gains control through repetition and continuing practice learning the skill. The fourth step is skillfulness. The learner becomes more successful due to practice and gets positive reinforcement from their results. The fifth step is the refinement stage. This is when the skill becomes second nature and the person can learn new methods. The sixths and final step is mastery. This is when you can teach your skill you learned to someone else

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