
The Negative Impact Of X-Rays On The Human Body

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Abstract X-rays are commonly assumed to be dangerous and a cause for cancer, but how much exposure is actually dangerous to humans? Every year 7 out of 10 Americans receive at least one X-ray, and each X-ray exposes the patient to a small amount of radiation. People are also exposed to naturally occurring radiation that comes out of rocks and from outer space. Over time, radiation exposure builds up, and a patient can eventually have an increased risk of cancer, after a certain threshold is reached. The cell damage is not easy to control, and can be deadly once it becomes cancerous. Is exposure to X-rays it worth it? X-rays are incredibly helpful medical tools, and can be safe and important for diagnosing some injuries and …show more content…

Many people don't know that X-rays emit radiation. Radiation is dangerous in large quantities, and this has led many people to think negatively and has caused concern over these scans. After hearing a presentation on the dangers of X-rays, I decided to look further to better understand the impact of X-rays on the human body. I will focus on where radiation comes from, on how much is safe and on the impact of X-rays on the human body.

Definitions and …show more content…

The World Nuclear Association has recorded that most of the earth receives about 1.5- 3.5 millisieverts of radiation a year. The Kerala and Madras States in India receive about 15 millisieverts a year, the highest naturally occurring rates anywhere on earth. This natural radiation is caused by sand that contains thorium, a radioactive element. Parts of Brazil and Sudan also receive large amounts of radiation, due to their geology. Natural radiation is safe, most of the time, and most of the radiation comes from rock, (even the granite in a counter top) or from space.

What are Health Impacts?
Large amounts of X-ray radiation can cause mild effects such as headaches and vomiting, but they can also cause more severe effects such as hair loss, low blood pressure and even death. Depending on how much radiation people are exposed to and how long of a period people are exposed to it, their symptoms will vary greatly.

How is the Body Impacted?
Large quantities of radiation can affect the body in many ways, and one of

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