
The Negative Impacts Of Social Media And Social Friendships In Our Society In Society

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92% of teens report going online daily and 71% of teens use more than one social network site. (Lenhart) Social media has provided us with various lines of connection. Never before have the emotions and musings of other individuals been more accessible to the rest of the population; we have access to original theories, prose, and art without having paid, in many cases, a cent in exchange for that accessibility. I would never argue that this form of connection is meaningless; nevertheless, I do believe that it is not the most significant form of association. Just as any other mammal, humans have a need to interact with others of their kind in order to evolve individually into socially capable beings. The form by which we manage to meet these needs has been drastically altered by social media and has proven to have several negative aspects. Having online friends has rapidly become a ‘norm’ in society, and multitudes of people argue that without social media these people from different countries and even continents would not be able to meet. While this is definitely a valid point, it is also crucial to consider that in a majority of these friendships only the ‘positive qualities’ about a person are interchanged in “conversation”. What does this mean? It means that like any rational person, people online tend to work diligently on their profiles in order to make an amazing first impression; the difference between face to face and online relationships is that when you form a

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