
The New Deal Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

On March 4, 1933, when FDR took the oath of office to become the 32nd President of the United States, America was a country in the midst of the worst economic crisis in its history.
FDR's response to this crisis was to create the "New Deal"which is a series of economic measures created to end the worst effects of the depression, give new energy to the economy, and restore the confidence of women and the American people in their banks and other key institutions.
One of the first problems of the Great Depression revolved around women. Fewer women than men sought assistance, some forms of assistance were available, and many women suffered from property as men. Also, according to Document A, it states " Many women were unemployed". Women seemed invisible in The Great Depression. Pre-New Deal assistance to unemployed and poor was not sufficient. It was a lack of attention to concerns of unemployment and poor women. Roosevelt responded to this problem with the New Deal. Document H states" The New Deal changed the role of the government and created …show more content…

Document J states" Unemployment spiked in early 1920s, then peaked in 1933, and then rose again in 1937-38". This shows relatively low unemployment during most of the 1920s. Also, many Americans were underpaid and overworked. Lastly, they faced starvation and needed shelter. However, Roosevelt responses proved themselves to be effective in relieving the suffering of Americans. Document I states" Roosevelt administration attempted to include Americans in New Deal programs". The New Deal created employment opportunities for Americans throughout the nation and the Roosevelt administration was effective in garnering the support of African Americans despite it's limitations. Lastly, through government aid, many people received food and shelter during the Great Depression. Underpaid and overworked employers saw improvement in their working

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