
The New Deal

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The presidential election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932 had risen the nation’s hope of economic restoration. Over three years of unrelenting hardship had taken damage on the American psyche. Roosevelt’s landslide electoral victory over former president Herbert Hoover, signaled a thorough rejection of the existing state of affairs and a desire for a new approach on “fixing the national economic crisis” (Hurley). The new president would not let down the nation. During his first two terms in office, FDR “enforced legislation through Congress that set a new standard for government intervention in the economy” ( The change he made for the nation was radical, the plan would create a lasting impact that benefitted the country for …show more content…

This was essential at the time, particularly in states that were affected by the Dust Bowl, where trees were needed to hold water and soil. The CCC’s reforestation program was so effective that it contributed to more than half of the reforestation in nation’s history. The Works Progress Administration was the largest relief program of them all. After the CWA expired, Roosevelt created a relief program that gave Americans jobs that matched their skills and talents. Before its expiration the WPA employed over 9 million Americans. The WPA projects had varied from public works to arts (50a). The result of the program was that it raised everything up from the Stock-Market and Business index to the food price index (The Nation, 581). Some critics labeled the WPA as the “worst waste of taxpayer money in American history,” however millions of Americans earned money, support, and jobs that they desperately needed. Then President Roosevelt signed the social-security bill on August 14, 1935. One of the biggest lasting impacts of the New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935. The Social Security Act was an act to provide general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits and welfare for the disabled and the dependent. Secretary of Labor and first woman

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