
The New Hazardous Waste: Electronic Waste Essay

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The New Hazardous Waste: Electronic Waste

Technology has opened human existence to greater ideas and knowledge than we ever thought was possible. Technological advances in everything from medicine to the distribution of information have made for a better and more convenient life. Computers and the use of the internet has created a global network in which people half-way across the globe from each other can communicate and share information instantaneously. In 1965 Gordon Moore, one of the founding members of the Intel corporation, observed and proclaimed that the processing power of computers was doubling every 18 months. Labeled as Moore’s Law, this trend continues to this day. This law and the mindset that everyone …show more content…

The monitors of televisions and computers are known as cathode ray tubes, or CRTs. Each consists of about 4 pounds of lead, a solid element that is dangerous to humans. If the 315 million obsolete computers in the world are taken into account, there is about 1.2 billion tons of lead that has to be destroyed in some way.1 In addition to CRTs, circuit boards and batteries from computers have high concentrations of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium. The plastics used to make computers and televisions most contain polyvinyl chloride, which, when burned, produces dioxins. Plastics that don’t contain polyvinyl chloride may contain brominated flame-retardants. A study performed by the California Department of Health Problems found dangerously high levels of BFRs in the blubber of Harbor Seals and in the breast milk of nursing mothers in California’s bay area.1 Lead and mercury are considered neurotoxins and can cause IQ deficits and developmental abnormalities in children even in very small levels of exposure. Hexavalent chromium can cause sinus and lung tumors when inhaled. Finally Cadmium can cause pulmonary damage when burned or heated and is listed on the EPA’s list of “probable human carcinogens”.

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