
The New Product Development : Samsung Electronics

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By the end of 2012, Samsung electronics become the largest producer of televisions and mobile phone. In order to achieve the success and the dramatic rise in consumer electronics sector, the company initiated new methods to innovate and create high quality products .

The company based its success on 3 pillars of Strategy in the field of Quality, Synergy and Internationalization upon the New Management under the leadership of Lee Kun-Hee. The new management was focused on achieving Quality over Quantity, Low cost Products to Differentiation and Cheap Wages to pioneers in Technology and Branding . The key areas where the company focused were:
Speed to Market : The Company identified Speed as a means of attaining competitive advantage in the market. The rapid pace of technology shift meant that the company needs to adapt to changes and bring forth the innovations to succeed in the market.
New Product Development : the aggressive investment strategy into R&D division led to speed in releasing new products in the market. This gave the company higher ROI returns projections. The faster cycle of innovation led to multiple product availability in the market which led to further increasing the gap between them and the competitions and also the company indulged in manufacturing self brand products rather than Co-branded or Partnerships.
Supply Chain Management : The vertical integration in the supply chain led them to achieve shorter time frame of release and also helped them to

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