
The Oscar Whiteness Machine, By Richard Brody

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The Oscar Whiteness Machine, written by Richard Brody, was published in the online The New Yorker January 21st, 2016. The author has written for the New Yorker since 1999 and has been one of their white movie critics, one of the subjects of this article, since 2005. In the Article Brody takes the stance of a social justice warrior, proclaiming war on all those complicit in the disparity between white and black; especially in the film arena. His subject changes with paragraphs, movie critics, Oscar nominees and watchers, readers of the article, and anyone discriminatory. The Oscar Whiteness Machine is a mix of genres but it gets its main point across, black people have been discriminated against in the Oscars, and in life, and the film business plays a role in the suppression of black culture. We honor the best and whitest. Neil Patrick Harris’s opening line at the Oscars in 2015 does a good job at pointing out one of the flaws of the award show that Richard Brody so passionately writes about. The article, while aimed at the Oscars, however, encompasses a wider issue. According to Brody this issue is “the whiting-out of movies about black experience.” and looking at the past two years of nominations and winners, I wouldn 't say he 's wrong (Brody 1). Brody uses logos to point out the overwhelming evidence of “the best movies by black filmmakers have gone utterly unnoticed by the Academy” (Brody 2). He names actors like Danny Glover and Alfre Woodard who have never been

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