
The Paradox of Choice Essay

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Humans live in a world in which every day they encounter numerous choices. The way they decide and the outcomes of their decisions define their lives. Their day to day life essentially revolves around the choices they make. As a whole, a community benefits or suffers from the outcomes of its choices. Freedom of choice is the grant to an individual or community to make its own choices out of free will and without restrictions (Pereboom,2003). This is essay will discuss that though freedom choice leads to variety in life, it does not necessarily guarantee satisfaction. It will also argue that although some choice is undoubtedly better than none, more is not always better than less. It will then consider the implications of the paradox of …show more content…

At first this miscellany is very attractive to the buyer but when the process of decision making begins, the real problem erupts. If she is not certain about what she wants to purchase, she will keep shuffling between packets and shelves to make a choice. Seeing the variety she may want to make the best possible choice out of the available options and she must make a choice in order to avoid being frozen in endless doubt. Thus the modern super market offers numerous more choices, ironically much less satisfaction. Due to this it has been observed that consumers tend to return to the products they normally buy, not paying attention to 75% of the other products which are also a good competition for price and quality (Schwartz, 2005:12).

The woman’s situation can be better understood by the illustration of the philosophical paradox on free will called Buridan’s ass (Knowles, 2006). It is a hypothetical situation of an ass placed precisely between a stack of hay and a pail of water. The paradox also states that the Ass is as equally hungry as it is thirsty. Since the ass cannot make any rational decision to choose one over the other, it will die of both hunger and thirst (Knowles, 2006). This is an extreme scenario but small scale real life examples of it are often observed. Making too many choices is mentally and physically exhausting. As

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