
Essay about The Philosopher, Aristotle

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The Philosopher, Aristotle

The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle was an amazing individual who possessed a multitude of talents ranging from mastery of rhetoric to interest in physiology. Aristotle lived during the fourth century B.C. in ancient Greece.
The culture of the Greeks during this time differs greatly from our present day life and times. Aristotle came into contact with many great men of history, from Plato his instructor and mentor to Alexander the Great, conquerer and ruler of the east. The works of Aristotle have left many after him to contemplate his theories and attitudes toward life and his Realism movement.
The time in which Aristotle lived was one where to be heard one had to possess a loud voice and …show more content…

It was not long before Aristotle became known as "the Mind of the School" and he stayed there for about twenty years. During this time Aristotle became well known and respected as a writer and orator. His philosophy however grew to differ greatly from that of his mentor's, as well as against those of the previously mentioned,
Isocrates. In fact his orations "during his earlier residence at Athens show him somewhat petulantly attacking both Plato and Isocrates."(Collins p. His arguments against his teacher's philosophies were centered on the Platonic theory of Forms. Aristotle started the Realism movement which objected to the idea that the material world is unimportant and a shadow of existence. He disagreed with the belief that the true reality existed through universal ideas, truths, and forms. He had no room in his views for imagination and what he saw as guesses at truths. When Plato died in 347 B.C., Aristotle was thought to be the natural person to take over his work. Plato's nephew, Speusippus, however was named to run the Academy.
Aristotle and some of his followers left Athens and traveled to the town of
Atarneus where he lived with the ruler, Hermeias for three years. Aristotle was married and appeared happy until Hermais was murdered and caused him to flee with his wife to Mitylene. There he lived for three years until he joined the court of King Philip of Macedonia to engage in tutoring the young Alexander.

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