
The Pledge Of Allegiance From A Very Young Age

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The Pledge of Allegiance was taught to me at a very young age. Most children in the United States learn the Pledge in Kindergarten. As a child I never questioned the phrase “Under God”. Perhaps I did not question it because I was raised as a believer of God. Fortunately, with age, I have become more of a critical thinker. I have become more cultured and knowledgeable to the people who differ from me. Not every American citizen is a believer of God; there are various religions with different or multiple gods. Also many American citizens do not believe in God or any type of higher power. The phrase “Under God” in the Pledge is a current social issue being debated constantly. I am going to investigate both sides of this issue and determine if God should be mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance. The history of the nation’s Pledge of Allegiance is a crucial component to this issue. Often times students are taught to recite the Pledge but not to understand the history and meaning behind it. The Pledge of Allegiance holds tremendous importance to this nation; an importance that is often forgotten. The reciting of the Pledge represents patriotism to America. In America citizens are tremendously protective of their rights. The First Amendment of the Constitution establishes religious freedom. The phrase “Under God” was not a part of the original Pledge but added in the early 1950’s. In the article, “One Nation, Under God: Tolerable Acknowledgement or Unconstitutional Cold War

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