
The Possible Causes Of The American Civil War

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The American Civil War was a revolutionary conflict between the Northern American states and the Southern American states from 1861 to 1865. The Northern States thought that slavery should be banned and the slaves brought from Africa should be given rights. At the time, the Southern States had a very large amount of Cotton Farms, and rich white men ran them without doing the physically and mentally demanding work in awful weather. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the still new United States of America. Lincoln created the proclamation of Emancipation on January 1st, 1863. States like North Carolina, West Virginia, and Kansas hadn’t joined America. They became very angry after Lincoln passed the law, and became the Confederate States of America. This …show more content…

President Lincoln declared war on the rebel nation. The real fighting began in 1862 where nearly a million men died fighting along 1200 miles from Virginia to Missouri. From 1862 to 1865 General Robert E. Lee successfully defended against the unions attacks, however at Appomattox, Virginia, Ulysses S. Grant cornered and controlled Lee’s army. However, many smaller armies won many battles against the Confederate States. In 1865, General William Sherman led his army into Confederate Georgia and South Carolina, destroying their economy, while George Thomas, another general destroyed the Confederate States Army of Tennessee in the Battle of Nashville. Eventually, the Confederacy surrendered and the North was victorious. After however, the Southern States created the Jim Crow Laws, were even thought the Abraham Lincoln declared the Proclamation of Emancipation, the new laws in the states declared that white people could not not share anything with black people. Since now, the white cotton farm owners had made lots of money off of free labor from the slaves they bought for low

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