
The Power Of Dracul Dracula And Dracula

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how Van Helsing is still Dracula’s antagonist and becomes the leader of a group to destroy Dracula for loved ones and humanity. Although, in the movie such as Twilight and the Underworld trilogy, the common enemy for vampires were werewolves. In the movies, they were enemies or rivalries to see who was better, but at the end of each movie the enemies came together to fight another enemy such as another group of vampires or humans. Then they won the fights together, and stayed allies but different territories for the vampires and werewolves. Overall, Van Helsing and werewolves are the most famous enemies for Dracula or any other vampire.
Also, Dracula’s power is being used to protect something he loves instead to do the worse. The movie Dracula: Untold, Dracula’s power was used to protect his family using the same abilities as shown in the book to shape-shift, strength, and not to age. In the movie, Dracula states, “Men fear monsters. They run from them. By putting one village to the stake, I spare 10 more. Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster” (Dracula: Untold). This shows how Dracula became a monster for the sake of his family, and his love for his wife could be described as stated in the book Dracula, “There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights” (Stoker 196). His love for his wife is what helped Dracula transform into a vampire to help his loved ones and his people

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