
The Practice of Body Piercing

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In all cultures of recorded history, there are standards of beauty that many strive or have strived to attain. But what happens when being beautiful means more to a member of society than the habitual application of makeup or the desire for a person to be thin? What does it mean to an individual when exercising one’s desire to become beautiful involves the permanent mutilation a functioning part of the body or going ‘under the knife’ to alter ones genitalia? The pressure for a person to meet standards of beauty are everywhere one looks. From the dazzling models seen on billboards on the way to the supermarket, to to extensive advertising to buy a product to transform one’s body, the pressure for someone to alter their body is everywhere. By giving a brief history of body modification, giving examples of the way that individuals modify their bodies today, and explaining the unending role that the media plays on pressuring individuals to changing their physical appearance, one is able to better understand that the complex desire to meet the standards of beauty in a society are a part of everyday life.

To begin understanding the complex meanings behind body modification, the term must first be defined. According to Merriam’s Web Dictionary, body modification is the “deliberate altering of the human anatomy or phenotype.” Ranging anywhere from anorexia to turning one’s face to resemble that of a lion, it is an elaborate term that covers a wide berth of

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