
The Pregnancy Of Pregnancy And Foetal Development

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Conception also known as fertilisation is the fusing of two gametes. This creates an embryo which will eventually develop into a baby. All human life begins with conception. A fertile woman will usually produce one egg a month around 2 weeks after the last menstrual period.
Pregnancy/foetal development
Pregnancy is a nine month process and it starts when the sperm penetrates an egg. One and a half days later the single fertilised egg begins to divide. After two to three days there are enough new cells to make the egg the size of a pin head.
At one month of pregnancy the baby is still any embryo and it is made up of two layers which will soon produce into body parts and organs. In the first two weeks of pregnancy a women isn’t actually …show more content…

The inner layers called the endoderm; it becomes the breathing and digestive systems, including the gut, stomach, lungs and bladder. The middle layer called the mesoderm; it becomes the blood vessels, heart, bones and muscles. The outer layer called the ectoderm; it becomes the brain and nervous system, tooth enamel, the eye lenses, skin and nails. The embryo is surrounded by fluid in the amniotic sac. The outer layer of the sac develops into a placenta. Cells from the placenta grow into the womb and they have a good blood supply. This ensures the baby has enough oxygen and nutrients that it needs.
After two months the embryo will have grown between 3 and 4cm and has a heartbeat, the beginning of ears mouth, legs, arms and eyes. The baby will also move around a lot and the fingers will develop although they will not be fully formed and will look webbed. At the fifth week of pregnancy the woman begins to realise that she is pregnant and already the baby’s nervous system has developed and the foundations of its major organs are in place. At this stage the embryo is 2mm long. The ectoderm gradually develops and layers in it fold to form a hallow tube called the neural tube. This will become the baby’s brain and spinal cord. At the same time the heart is forming as a tube like structure. The baby already has some of its own blood vessels and blood within the baby is starting to circulate. The string of blood vessels connects the

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