
The Prevalence Of Refractive Errors In Children

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Refractive errors are the result of misaligned optical components within the eye causing improper focusing of light onto the retina. Although the optical components may vary by a minute amount, the resulted blurred vision will not only affect the individual but also society in terms of the health industry, education, research and socioeconomics. As a result of the impact of refractive errors, there has been an increasing emphasis for research and action plans placed by eye health organisations and the government on the development, prevention and control of refractive errors.
As a child’s eye begins to develop and undergo emmetropization, there is a dynamic change to the optical components such as the crystalline lens, cornea and axial length. …show more content…

At birth, infants were found to be somewhat hyperopic. As they grow older and begin emmetropization, a portion of children begin to acquire myopia. The amount of children with myopia increases from 2% at age 6 to 20% or greater at age 20. 1 The prevalence of myopia reaches a peak of 30% between age 20 and 40. 1 After the adult years, it is believed that there is minimal change in refractive error. However, due to nuclear lens changes, approximately 10% of adults over age 60 experience a myopic shift. 1 At age 40 to 50 presbyopia occurs for all individuals, where the lens is unable to accommodate and allow for near work. This data demonstrates the large amount of society influenced by refractive errors and consequentially, impact on communities and the nation.
The origination of refractive error within individuals is attributed to hereditary and environmental factors. Investigations by Wixson (1958) mentioned by Grosvenor1 concluded that the “closer the genetic ties between individuals, the greater the similarity between both the type and range of refractive error”. It was also found that the higher myopia a child possessed had an increasing chance of having a higher percentage of myopic parents. 1 The research on family and twins, we are able to determine that refractive error can be genetically …show more content…

The most common cause of visual impairment is due to uncorrected refractive error. 2 Studies by researchers by the Brien Holden Vision Institute approximates the cost to correct refractive errors to be US$20 045 million.2 The correction of refractive errors make a worthwhile investment as uncorrected refractive errors cause an estimated US$91,300 million - US$327,000 million loss in productivity. 2 In order to minimise this loss of productivity, it is imperative for the government to support visual health sectors. Therefore, due to the high economic costs of refractive error, family, communities and the government must implement preventative or corrective measures.
There are high costs for poverty stricken nations tackling uncorrected refractive errors. The impact of blindness of a country can amount to $42 billion in 2000. 2 This large sum will be very difficult to set aside and invest in eye health in developing countries. When eye health is left untreated this will often increase the cost of repairing eye health issues which furthers the cycle of decreasing eye health care. Therefore, it is ideal for developing countries to highly invest in quality eye care as soon as they can afford to train health

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