
The Problem Of Liberty Apush Dbq Outline

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I. The Problem of Liberty A. The Colonial Mind 1. Founding fathers like John Adams, Patrick Henry, and Alexander Hamilton attempted to generate support for the war by promoting the idea that because English politicians were corrupt, the country's constitution wasn't enough to ensure their rights 2. The colonists believed in a higher law of natural rights which included life, liberty, and property (Thomas Jefferson listed these rights in the Declaration of Independence but he changed 'property' to 'the pursuit of happiness') 3. The colonists fought the Revolutionary War for political reasons, not for economic ones 4. Thomas Jefferson wrote a multitude of grievances the colonists had against King George III for violating their political liberties …show more content…

Improve human nature so a decent government could exist 2. Aristotle felt the government should cultivate virtue while Madison felt freely pursuing self-interest within reasonable limits was a better solution to improve our nature 3. Division of power allows the federal and the state governments to keep each other in check V. The Constitution and Liberty A. The Antifederalist View 1. Antifederalists felt people's rights could only be ensured in small republics 2. They felt the national government was too far away from the people and therefore couldn't be monitored by them 3. They felt the federal government would oppress state governments and thus wanted limitations placed upon it 4. They felt there should be a bill of rights added to the Constitution 5. Federalists argued against a bill of rights since the Constitution guaranteed freedoms such as habeas corpus, no bill of attainder, no ex post facto law, trial by jury, privileges and immunities, no religious tests, and obligation to contracts 6. They also argued most states had their own version of a bill of rights B. Need for a Bill of Rights 1. However, a bill of rights was required since the Constitution couldn't be ratified without one C. The Constitution and

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