
The Progressive Era Essay example

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The Progressive Era

The progressive era was a time of great change, the way people thought and what they did began to change quickly. Industry and business also changed a great deal in this era, with the many new inventions and strong businessmen things where rapidly changing.

The progressive era lasted about 40 years, from 1879-1920. In 1879 Tomas Edison invented the electric light, I guess you could say he just lit the way for may other inventions that people made during this time period.

The progressives where middle class people that where mostly composed of young people who wanted things to change, they believed that educating people was the best way to overcome a problem. They formed volunteer organizations that people would come …show more content…

Teddy Roosevelt was a very strong influence during the progressive era; He used his power a president to get what he wanted as a progressive. He helped things like the pure food and drug act pass, and used the Sherman Antitrust act to dissolve Carnegie's Monopoly. He was a very strong leader and was not about to be pushed around, so it was very good to have him as president during the Progressive era when some are fighting for the new and some are fighting for the old.

The city and state reforms, where to stops powerful figures like boss Tweed who was very corrupt and, had everyone in the city in his back pocket. They Reformed so that their wouldn't be just a boss, (a person that made every decision), they made it so the people had to stand behind him on his decisions, their needed to be a vote on all laws that where passed, and all people could try to pass laws with enough peoples support. Also with the reform, workman's compensation became, now if people where hurt to the point they couldn't work, they would be compensated until they could come back.

Education was a very big thing to the progressives;

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