
The Pros And Cons Of B2C Business

Decent Essays

Just to get the most pertinent of introductions out of the way: B2B (business-to-business or e-biz) refers to the occasion of a business offering its products and services to other businesses, while B2C (business-to-consumer) refer to instances of a business offering its products and services directly to the consumer. In other words, B2B ventures cater to businesses as their customers, while B2C ventures cater to consumers as their customers. And, while these terms (i.e., B2B and B2C) refer to both offline and online businesses, the terms had only come in to use during the dotcom boom.
Now, most ecommerce websites generally follow a B2C model. But there are also enough online ventures out there whose main target customers are other businesses. …show more content…

Because it's pretty obvious that people prefer to do business with those they feel connected to. However, as, in running a B2B business, you are trying to reach out to other businesses, you will most likely adopt a formal, detached tone with plenting of jargon and marketing-based overtures, thinking that this is what your business customers will appreciate. After all, your customers are businesses, not individuals. So it is obvious you that can't employ personalization and should rather treat them as a mechanical unit, …show more content…

And the same advice can be applied to B2B ecommerce in a sense as well. Only here, the “ending” refers to the final stage of a business placing an order with your B2B: the shipping and delivery of the ordered product(s) or service(s).
However, while most B2Bs spend a lot of time optimizing all their other processes, the shipping and delivery aspect is what is most often overlooked – which can often trigger a business pulling away as your customer. In fact, statistics show that a lack of reliable and affordable shipping options is what makes B2Bs lose the most number of customers. For, up to 61% of businesses have indicated that they have abandoned a cart because of unexpected and ill-affordable shipping costs. And up to 50% indicated their orders not qualifying the minimum requirement for free shipping being the reason they abandon their carts (and as B2Bs usually run as wholesalers, the minimum requirement set for free shipping is an important aspect to consider).
Thus, re-organizing your shipping and delivery options to be affordable and reliable for your customers will greatly reduce customer abandonment of your

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