
The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

Decent Essays

Fracking: Why It Harms Us How would you feel if you were told that you had cancer or another chronic illness...from the water you are drinking? Sadly, this actually can, and does, happen to people because of a process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Though many believe fracking is the key to an independent energy source, it causes many problems such as: global warming, water contamination, bad air quality, and even earthquakes. Fracking should not be continuing and growing in usage in the United States.

Fracking is the process where pressurized water is injected into shale beds, or layers of sedimentary rock, which opens the rock to release oil and natural gas. Fracking is dangerous for many reasons, but one of the strongest affects it has is on our drinking water. Anywhere from 2 to 8 million gallons of water are used to frack only one well. Shockingly, just 10 percent of the water used returns to the surface. However, water isn’t the only thing being put in the ground- a “toxic stew” of chemicals and sand are also added. Over 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used every time we frack. The chemicals in the fracking mixture can make its way to our groundwater, harming the …show more content…

Additionally, fracking has a large impact on global warming. Methane, one of the greenhouse gases quickly filling our atmosphere, is released into the air in every step of the fracking process. It traps 86 percent more heat than carbon dioxide, increasing global warming. Radon is the second leading contributor to lung cancer, and 39 percent higher in fracking areas. 21.000 deaths from radon-induced lung cancer has been reported in the U.S. To top it off, 300,000 gallons of natural gas are produced in only one day of

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