
The Pros And Cons Of GMO Labeling

Decent Essays

Bradley Springs
ANS 121

American agriculture is arguably the strongest and best industry we have to offer. Farmers are the world’s foremost land and water conservationists. There is a lot of hype around the agricultural world these days: from GMO’s to animal welfare and land ethics issues, but what the general public does not understand is farmers are not out to ruin the earth. They make 99.9% of their income off the earth, and a good portion of the farmers now days make most of their income in a few short months.

There are over 313 million people living in the United States. Of that population, less than 1% claim farming as an occupation (and about 2% actually live on farms). In 2007, only 45% of farmers claimed farming …show more content…

The latest statewide bill to deal with this was measure 92, a poorly written GMO labeling bill that would hurt more than it would help. It opened any small farmer who sells at farmers makets or in a co-op or to the public in any way up to lawsuits on a perosnal level. This could and eventually would cripple the rest of out part time farmers. The down side of this was if the farmer bought lets say purchased sugar from a distributor and thought it was just sugar and used it to make his jam, and sold that jam to another distributor and also at a farmers market to the general public and at the end of that summer, the guy he bought the sugar from came out and said sorry I have been using GMO sugar cane and sold it to all these producers they are the ones that will have to face the public court under measure …show more content…

Strong demand and limited ability to increase production quickly are expected to increase prices more, and experts have speculated that the price per gallon could reach a record $5 by year’s end. “ says Henery Miller in a article he wrote in the new york times. he also goes on to mention that this is wildly creditied to the spike in feed and water prices. He also states that “ six cows... could give the milk of seven cows” when aided with rBST© this would save us 6.6 billion gallons of water which is enough to supply 26,000 homes (Monsanto). This helps us because in the last two summers we have been experiencing droughts, and this summer will be even worst. With this saved water we could hold Tillamook happy and wet for another summer. I am a huge supporter of GMO and Monsanto, I believe that these are the futures of agriculture along with the great leaps in technology we are making thanks to company's like John Deer and PAPÈ and other great leaders in Ag. If we let farms regulate them selves we will have little to no issues, remember Farmers are the foremost land and water conservationist they wont hurt them selves by hurting the land. I hope that in this short paper you relies we need to educate people more and ease regulations on farmers. I think they should label whats in food but not ban GMOS, its a farmers choice to go with a company like Monsanto, and to buy into their

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