
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

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The advancement in technology has not only allowed people to test and diagnose diseases in human embryos, but technology has also given parents the ability to genetically modify their future kids. Parents may now ensure that no disease is carried on in future generations, correct inherited defects, enhance certain traits such as intelligence and athleticism, and choose eye color and gender(“Cho”). The process in which people alter human embryos is called genetic engineering, but the diagnosing of inherited defects and diseases is known as genetic screening(“Designer”). Through genetic engineering parents create the coined term “Designer Baby”. A designer baby is a baby whose embryo has been genetically altered. Many argue that genetic engineering is unethical, because some people may abuse the intended therapeutic use and create above average humans unfair to the rest of the population. The public, at large, also claim scientist should not “play God”, because they are interfering with biological processes and altering the natural course of human evolution. Many people believe only the rich may be able to afford genetic engineering; therefore, genetic engineering creates inequality. Some of the public distrusts genetic engineering, because it is in its earliest forms of development. Regardless, institutes and universities have proven the success of genetic modification; thus, showing the safety of genetically modifying a baby(“Screening”). Although some people and ethics may go against genetic engineering, genetic engineering increases human potential and quality of life. Regardless of ethics and disagreements on genetic engineering, it would be unethical to have a child with cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs disease, knowing it could have been prevented with genetic engineering. Genetic engineering may be the best route for humans to take for the betterment of life and human capability along with ensuring no disease is inherited and defects are fixed.
Although it may be unethical to change a human being without its consent, ethics should not hinder the development of technology. Genetic engineering eliminates physical and intellectual limitation improving human potential(“Cho”) . Some people believe it is unfair

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