
The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

Decent Essays

Gentrification has been discussed many times by various authors in many forms, many take its side and many disagree with it, but there’s never an unanimous vote on it being good or bad, it’s heavily based on perspective and owns experience. Many issues are brought up in these discussions, from displacement, class, financial repercussions, etc. Gentrification is definitely not a new phenomenon and it has been even happening since humans started settling in cities. Usually when a commoner suddenly came into more amount of wealth than usual and improved upon his surroundings that resulted in higher classes of people to get attracted to that area sometimes driving or even forcing the lower class out, this phenomena can’t really be stopped because …show more content…

Simpson) and how people way of living changes when they are faced with a different way on a daily basis and how the poor are being driven away by landlords to make space for the rich. All of these are true and I do agree with them when people are absolutely forced to change their lifestyle, move out or get evicted, those cases are just plain cruel and should not be forced upon anyone. But being forced into all of these is not always the case, many times people living in those areas adapt and stay there and be considered middle class because of their change in lifestyle which is good and usually the populous who doesn’t adapt can move to another area that hasn’t been gentrified yet thus they aren’t being subjected to homelessness. Richer classes did not get rich by not sharing what they have but they usually have more money due to their lifestyle and working hard for their money, the lifestyle change can be good for lower classes as it may force some into a higher standard of living which they would like to maintain therefore work harder. Many have even pointed out that gentrification isn’t really a result of gentrification and class but it has other causes and the lower class homeowners usually rather stay in the area because of the increased amount of amenities available, nevertheless, gentrification seems bad for the living populace in a micro point of view but it is ultimately beneficial in a macro point of view to the society as a whole. However, I do believe that landlords, companies and individuals who do the gentrifying should give more time and services to the population that already lives in areas

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