
The Pros And Cons Of Guns In Schools

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Guns and schools just don’t mix. Of course, this could be arguable from both sides. Only nine out of our fifty states allow guns on campus. Most private universities have the choice to decide if they want to allow concealed weapons on campuses. As for public institutions with the law in its state, they have no choice. Public institutions only have control of what buildings are limited. There are numerous reasons that it could be beneficial, but it can also be a complete catastrophe just waiting to happen. In today’s society, people feel the need to be more protected because of what’s going on in the world. There have been many reported incidents in regards to guns being abused on school grounds. Guns end lives, so it’s imperative that we understand the rules and why they’re so important. In order for people to really understand the pros and cons of having guns on campus, they first must began to understand its safety hazards, retaliation and prevention mechanism. Guns on college campuses without the proper training could be even more dangerous. While I was conducting my interview with Officer Shaw, campus security for Bethune-Cookman university. He gave me insight on how they went go through months of specific training to be able to even work here. He feels as though only security should be the only ones allowed to have guns. But, if others were allowed to, it should be faculty because of their level of maturity. He strongly feels that there should be a zero tolerance for

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