
The Pros And Cons Of Hate Crime

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Crimes based off of hate is a crime that is caused based off a bias towards a person or race. These crimes are called hate crimes and effect people all around of all ages and is a bais that is not easily forgotten. There are laws specifically for this crime that one can be persecuted for just for people who have disagreement about another person’s religion and race , and why we need them in our society. Hate crimes in my opinion are wrong and not needed in this world but can not be forgotten because of history between people. If the history between the people of this world was different then maybe these laws would be unnecessary but we need them to protect the good people in the world who didn’t ask to be different.
Laws are necessary part of a government. Government serves as system that can provide services and order which the people can pick their respentace. Now imagine a law that help protect you, your race, ideas, sexual orientation and so forth. Now imagine a group of people or even organization who are against you views. To a certain point to even hurt or murder your ideas. Like any government laws are place to protect the people and that’s what hate crime laws are. Too protect citizens no matter their race and choices. But that doesn’t seem to be the case always. In article by .
Hate crime is a crime that affects people more and leave a biased in peoples mind that cause lots of psychological damage and possible physical depending on the person who is the victim

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