
The Pros And Cons Of Natural Resources

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A Corporation can be defined as a legal creation, however the corporation itself, would only exist on a piece of paper. A corporation will never die a natural death like humans die naturally, and corporations will always outlive the individual who created it. With that said, the corporation itself is never really committed to any employee or committed to any neighbor. However, a corporation can always demand employees, a corporation can always demand taxes that are extremely high, and a corporation can also restrict environmental laws. Corporations hold a great deal of power in today's society. History has explained the fact that at one point in time, the earth's natural resources had no limit. Raw materials were plenty, because of the fact that there were plenty of natural resources to go around. Natural resources can be identified as the raw materials that comes from the earth and are useful. Natural resources can never be made by humans. Athough, these raw materials can be modified, or altered to benefit corporations and businesses. For example, natural resources are fossil fuels like petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Minerals like diamonds, gold, and copper are natural resources that come from the earth. Other resources are known as natural vegetation, like forests and timber. Animals are our earth's natural resources as well, like salmon, deer, whales, chickens, etc. The air we breathe, and the wind are all also natural resources. Water, like lakes, rivers and

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