
The Pros And Cons Of Social Media

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Social media lets you find and connect with just about anyone you can think of. With the technology that we have today, it gets easier and easier to do just about anything on the web that we could possibly want. From looking people up to ordering things right to your doorstep, the internet has taken over people’s lives. Even though the internet and social media may seem beneficial to all of us and makes you feel like you are connected to a larger community, there are some downsides to it. One reason why the social media is bad is because some people make fake accounts on sites such as Facebook or Instagram and post hateful things about them or somebody else. These kind of things cause the victims to have a bad reputation or even mental scars that they have to live with. In some cases, victims have thought about or have been driven to suicide. According to Sam Laird’s article on Mashable Lifestyle, twenty percent of the kids who are cyber bullied think of suicide, and 1 in 10 attempt it. Sam also states that suicide is the number 3 killer of teens in the United States below car accidents and homicides. A second reason why social media has taken over is that it distracts people from doing their work. One study saw that people who are distracted by technology or social media score twenty percent lower than people who aren't. Another study found that some students aren't able to concentrate on homework for just two minutes or more without distracting themselves with social

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