
The Pros And Cons Of The CIA

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The CIA, otherwise known as the Central Intelligence Agency, is a federal agency that is independent and has the responsibilities of providing the country of the United States with national security intelligence. The CIA is in charge of gathering information that is going on from other countries in order to help our own national security to become stronger, and to be able to protect the citizens of the United States better. However, what happens when the CIA tries to protect it’s citizens by screwing over other countries? What happens when the CIA is responsible for destroying other countries’ governments or placing leaders where we do not belong as a country to try and control politics that we should not even be involving ourselves in. While the CIA is meant to have good intentions for providing our country with national security, a lot of times the United States is responsible for meddling in affairs we never belonged in which cause harm, devastation, or death to the countries we force ourselves upon. In early 1951, the nationalization of Iran’s oil industry by Mosaddegh was the trigger for the United Kingdom to begin discussion with the United States to overthrow Mosaddegh and return the power to the shah. When the coup attempt was thwarted, the CIA decided to call off continuing with the operation because they did not want it to get traced back to the United States. However, Kermit Roosevelt believed that the United States should not be done interfering with Iran, and

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