
The Pros And Cons Of Turnover

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Turnover All turnovers are a management problem, either because management failed to provide a productive working environment or because the wrong person was hired in the first place. In this situation, the operator of organization cannot blame the workers because all their staff did was asking for a job; it was management that gave it to them. The simple truth is that your staff leaves because they did not want to stay, mainly because they are not getting what they want from the job or some behavior of organization made them disoppintment. KPMG (1991) and Timo (1999) said that “high staff turnover rates in the hospitality industry are largely higher than manufacturing industries in Australian labor market.” Turnover has already become a big and intractable issue especially in China; there is a lack of studies using a comprehensive set of variables is rare to focus on it. (Khatri, Fern and Budhwar, 2001). Carley(1992) said that …show more content…

Different studies demonstrate a conflicting relationship between worker turnover and productivity, at the same time, there is general sentiment that high turnover rates can have an extraordinary impact on company’s performance (Bluedorn, 1982) because turnover can bring about interruption and disturbance is adversely identified with productivity. Hence turnover can influence an organization's funds, proficiency, profitability and assets. Koh and Goh (1995) point out that while the turnover of employees can have positive results, such as improving poor performers, encouraging new ideas and help employee get more chance to develop their career, the expenses connected with employee turnover can be considerable. These incorporate the expense of training and recruitment, and poor organization spirit and image. Working attitude elements, for example, participant and satisfaction do not seem to influence turnover goal

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