
Anti Vaccination Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Anti-vaccination movements are hurting children and the people surrounding them. On the contrast, there is a pro-vaccination movement to advocate for those who cannot protect themselves. However, this movement is diminishing due to skewed facts in the media. This only comes back to haunt the parents who do not vaccinate their child, and the people who cannot be protected against it. Using vaccinations can irradiate diseases that have evolved over the years, saving millions of lives, and giving peace to lives lost from the disease (Jacobs, Charlotte DeCroes). Vaccines began in the sixteenth century. There is no specific documentation, but there are writings of introducing a foreign virus into one’s body. Introduction of the virus into one’s …show more content…

There is an issue, though, if that percentage falls below 95 percent, disease outbreak will occur and the spread of disease will be fast. States mandate certain vaccinations to prevent this from happening, mostly when the child entered grade school. The first city to do this was Boston in 1827. Principals were not enforcing the vaccination law, and parents were lying about giving the vaccination to their child. Diseases dwindled down to a bare nothing after the disease was in full outbreak, and everyone got vaccinated. You can fight against the fight against vaccines. The court has ruled that the overall public good is worth more than an individual’s rights to ensure everyone’s safety (Lam, …show more content…

All 50 states require a child to have specific vaccines. Parents are allowed to go to their regular care doctor to receive a waiver in order to opt them out of their child getting the vaccine. Jill Vollbrecht, an endocrinologist, found from 2008 though 2014, the amount of parents gaining a waiver to turn down a vaccine went from 6 percent to 11 percent. If this rate keeps rising, a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine, now becomes a risk. Vaccination works as a whole to protect the mass part of the population, to protect the those who have a strong opposition to vaccines. She said, “All physicians have the common goal of wanting to keep our kids and our communities safe, and we have a core understanding about science and herd immunity” (Urist, Jacoba & Mayo Clinic Staff). There is a fight for herd immunity. Herd immunity is when a major portion of the population is vaccinated, and they help stop the spread of a disease. 92 percent of the population needs to be vaccinated for a vaccine to do its job. 322 million different cases of an illness were stopped with a vaccine in 1994 to 2014, mostly due to herd immunity (Romm,

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