
The Psychological Aspects Of The Systematic Killings During Genocides Essay

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There is no debate that the systematic killings during genocides are extremely horrendous. Millions of innocent people lost their lives simply by being in a group of people that were seen as inferior. Many people ask questions like how can people commit such crimes against humanity and what kind of people can cause pain, torture, and death among these innocent people. People think that the only people that are capable of such crimes are mentally unstable and insane, but ordinary people are also capable of committing these crimes. This paper will show how the psychological aspects such as conformity, compliance, maturity, emotional intelligence, and social identity play a role in the creation of genocide. However, these aspects are not a justification to genocide, but simply insights as to why these events occurred. Conformity and compliance are two social influences that allows us to understand the reason why “ordinary” people murder helpless victims during genocide. Conformity is the act of behaving in a way that matches a group of people’s behavior. The reason why people ignore their own beliefs and follow the ideas of a group is to gain social approval. People who commit genocide aren’t unsocial and cut off from society, but social and want to fit into society (Anderson). Individuals want to be liked and accepted by others so they can gain acceptance into a group. People believe that if they don’t follow what a certain group of people are doing, they will get rejected

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