
The Psychology 's Credibility And Usefulness

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Introduction The general public has doubts about the psychology’s credibility and usefulness (Lilienfeld, 2012). These misconceptions have been tied to possible sources of skepticism such as “illusions of understanding, psychology’s problematic public face, and individual’s hindsight bias” (Lilienfeld, 2012). This skepticism must exist for a reason and it is crucial to understand why the general public finds behavioral science research less credible than that of other scientific disciplines often described as “harder” sciences.
Methodology biases in research do occur, which can make individuals question scientific evidence’s credibility, but critical analysis of these method biases has been repeatedly assessed to identify frameworks that …show more content…

Political identification can be used to create an in-group out-group affect that motivates individuals to believe or disbelieve scientific evidence. If psychological methods appeared more technology based, similar to those perceived in “hard” neurosciences, individuals might form their assumptions about the scientific evidence to reflect these biases, when motivated by a strongly-held political identity. Further investigating individual’s biases towards perceptions of behavioral scientific evidence could provide a better understanding of how information can be presented to the general public. In the present study, it is hypothesized that biases of evidence quality for psychological methods will reveal the “high-tech” behavioral science evidence condition will be of similar higher quality compared to the neuroscience evidence condition. In addition, participants that are motivated by their political party identification strength will judge the “low-tech” behavioral science condition the least favorably. This paper will review theories of cognitive dissonance and social identity that along with motivated reasoning evaluate decision-making towards biases, examine the “hard” versus “soft” science debate, understand the pubic skepticism that exists within the field of psychology, further address implications of neuroscience’s perceived credibility, and follow up with recent research that assesses biases towards quality of evidence that can

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